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Exam Stress

Revision Time

By June 13, 2013April 29th, 2019No Comments

Exams are just around the corner! Revising for GCSE’s and A-Levels is a stressful time even for the most laid back of students.

Ways to keep the exam stress under control…
Revision: Find a quiet and comfortable place to study whether it’s at home, school, college, university or local library. Draw up a timetable setting out each subject you have to revise for and a time frame. This will keep you focussed on one subject at a time. Revise in 20 to 60 minute chunks.
Nutrition: Fueling your brain with the right food will provide you with the physical and mental energy you need to focus. Eat at regular intervals to energy levels stable. Eat a balanced diet, including fish, bananas and blueberries, to help with concentration. It’s also important to stay hydrated so drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine drinks which heighten stress levels.
Exercise: Exercise makes the heart pump faster, which in turn provides the brain with oxygen, allowing you greater concentration. Thirty minutes of exercise a day is enough. Go for a walk, run. or do any sport which you enjoy.
Exam Day: The day has finally arrived, you’ve done all the revision you can, so try not to panic. Eat a hearty breakfast; natural complex carbohydrates like wholegrain cereals and bananas slowly release energy. If your mind goes blank in the exam room, take a few deep breaths. One of the most common errors is to misread the question so make sure you understand what has been asked.
Complementary Therapies: If you’re struggling to cope and need extra help NLP can reduce anxiety and improve performance*. Jonathan says “NLP anchoring techniques can help the student stay calm and in a resourceful state to take the exams*. Self hypnosis techniques are also useful.”

Article appeared in The Latest Magazine April 2012