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Public Speaking and Presentations

How to Increase Confidence in Public Speaking with Hypnotherapy

By September 19, 2017April 29th, 2019No Comments

How to Increase Confidence in Public Speaking with Hypnotherapy*

Hypnotherapy help you overcome your fear of public speakingIf the thought of giving a speech or a presentation fills you with dread, you will probably be well aware of the terms ‘words drying up’ and ‘tongue-tied’. These are physical reactions to an emotional source and can cause distress and extreme discomfort. A fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias and often has complex origins which need to be identified. Hypnotherapy at the Conway Practice can help to uncover the reason for your fear which may be buried deep within your subconscious.* While the mind is more open and relaxed during hypnosis, it becomes easier to recognise and freely express the feelings which trigger a negative reaction.*

It might be surprising that the fear may not be directly related to speaking in public, but more closely connected to a form of social anxiety and being afraid of facing a group of people. Most people who become anxious at the thought of being the centre of attention do so whether they are required to speak or not, but speaking in front of others is likely to greatly increase the feeling of vulnerability.

This phobia can be extremely self-limiting, affecting not only social interaction and personal relationships, but also restricting career prospects. The root of these fears may trace back to a specific incident or general environment in the past where you were made to feel inadequate within your peers or in comparison to your siblings.

The fear of being judged by others can feel like a threat that you must escape from and avoid at all costs, experiencing an overwhelming ‘flight or fight’ adrenalin surge. During the hypnotherapy sessions, Jonathan will help you to increase your self-confidence and create a positive mind-set in handling stress.* You will appreciate how you can change your relationship to fear, with improved self-belief and mental focus, enabling you to visualise success instead of failure.*

For more information call Jonathan Conway today on 01273 540425.