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Hypnotherapy in Harley StreetWeight Control

Managing Your Weight with Hypnotherapy in Harley Street

By July 11, 2016April 29th, 2019No Comments

Managing Your Weight with Hypnotherapy in Harley Street*

lose weight in Brighton & HoveManaging your weight and maintaining your weight loss is not simply about what you eat, but more about why you eat it and when. You may feel that food controls your life and is your main focus of the day, compelling you to eat even when you’re not really hungry. Hypnotherapy can help you to lose weight by uncovering the reasons behind your negative relationship with food that you may not be consciously aware of.*

You may have an issue with a specific type of food that is generally unhealthy and fattening. This might relate back to foods you associate from childhood as giving comfort or reward, compelling to you indulge yourself during times of stress or when you are feeling low. This can result in a cycle of eating to improve your mood, followed by disappointment and guilt that you have broken a resolve to follow a healthy eating regime. Using hypnosis, your subconscious mind can be guided to disassociate yourself from the image of food as a substitute for emotional stability, introducing a new perspective taking control of your dietary habits.*

During coaching sessions with hypnotherapy at the Conway Practice in Harley Street, Jonathan will also review your self-image and how you believe others will perceive you.* If you have low self esteem and lack confidence you may find yourself sabotaging attempts to lose weight without being realising why you are doing it. Through hypnosis you can come to appreciate how by loving who you are you will be motivated to take good care of your well-being for your own reasons, not simply to impress or please others.*

Hypnotherapy can help you to make the significant changes that will make a

profound difference to long term weight control.* Whether you are committed to losing weight for health reasons or you have a personal incentive to achieve your target weight loss, hypnotherapy is a completely safe and natural way to guide you towards meeting that goal.*

For more information about how hypnotherapy in Harley Street can help with your weight loss please call 0207 467 8460 or leave a comment below.