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Hypnotherapy BrightonSmoking Cessation

How to Give Up Smoking with Hypnotherapy in Brighton

By June 20, 2016April 29th, 2019No Comments

How to Give Up Smoking with Hypnotherapy in Brighton*

hypnosis to stop smokingWhy do so many smokers find it difficult to stop? Of course nicotine is well known to be a powerful narcotic, causing addiction and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, but this is only part of the problem. Hypnotherapy can help you to stop smoking by looking at the reason why you first started to smoke and what now compels you to continue.*

Peer pressure during the teenage years often has a lot to answer for as to why someone is attracted to smoking.* The desire to fit in with friends and appear more grown up can trigger a lifetime habit that is hard to break. Even now you may find that you are more comfortable socially with a cigarette in your hand, especially if you are with other smokers. Before the restriction on tobacco advertising was introduced, one particular brand told us that we’d never be alone if we smoked one of their cigarettes, while other brands featured attractive or celebrity couples smoking together. This implied that a smoker would find it easier to make friends, form relationships and find it easier to relax, leaving false impressions that can remain firmly fixed in the subconscious.*

While under hypnosis at the Conway Practice in Brighton, Jonathan will explore why you want to stop smoking and how you visualise your life will be improved as a non-smoker.* If you find yourself self-sabotaging your attempts to give up, is this due to not valuing yourself highly? Giving up smoking is a crucial step forward in putting your emotional and physical health first and erasing old negative patterns that you may have found difficult to change without help. Hypnotherapy will address any emotional baggage that may be stressful and the root cause of why you smoke when you are anxious.*

You will also learn how to break or the habit of smoking and of lighting a cigarette at certain situations and times of the day.* During hypnosis and NLP coaching you will understand how you are able to re-programme the association and interrupt the pattern, perhaps after enjoying a meal or when you ‘reward’ yourself while on a work break to re-wind after a difficult day. Hypnotherapy can help you to improve your willpower and strengthen your resolve to quit smoking and look forward to a healthier future as a non-smoker.*    

Foe more information call Jonathan Conway today on 01273 540425