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anxietyHypnotherapy Brighton

How Hypnotherapy in Brighton & Hove Can Help With Social Anxiety

By December 9, 2014April 29th, 2019No Comments

How Hypnotherapy in Brighton & Hove Can Help With Social Anxiety*

self-esteem-brightonAt this time of the year whilst many are eagerly awaiting the start of the Christmas and New Year festivities, for some this brings a feeling of dread. If you panic at the thought of celebrating with others, you may need to seek help for social anxiety using hypnotherapy at the Conway Practice in Brighton & Hove.

Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in dealing with a social anxiety disorder and related phobias*.

You may feel that you will be under scrutiny and judged by others in a social situation and this anxiety can wreak havoc in both your work and personal life. It’s not simply a case of shyness, but a far more deep-rooted fear of being humiliated or embarrassed when interacting socially.

This can mean that your enjoyment of life is severely limited, affecting relationships and family activities. These anxieties can even have an impact on everyday routines such as mixing with work colleagues, presenting at an interview, forming new relationships or joining clubs and social groups.

Typically, the social phobia is triggered by an incident as far back as childhood and may have seemed insignificant at the time. There is often a combination of phobias involved such as a fear of being away from home or where you consider as ‘safe’ (agoraphobia), or a fear of enclosed spaces and of having no escape (claustrophobia). These anxieties can cause an overwhelming feeling of stress which result in a full panic attack with a physical reaction such as breathlessness and feeling close to collapse.

Social phobias can be an extremely heavy burden to carry, leaving you feeling very much alone and unable to enjoy yourself with others. You’re likely to turn down invitations to parties and social gatherings which then makes you feel an outsider when people stop inviting you.

Phobic anxiety will restrict you from making the most of any opportunities that come along in your life due to fear and a lack of self-confidence. Any deep-rooted phobias and anxieties can be identified and addressed during hypnotherapy and NLP sessions with Jonathan at the Conway Practice in Brighton & Hove*.

You will learn how to release your fears and approach social situations in a positive way, changing your behaviour pattern and releasing negative thoughts that have been preventing you from fully enjoying life*.

Hypnosis is medication-free and completely safe and you will remain in control and relaxed at all times.

If you would like to know more about how hypnotherapy and NLP can make a positive difference in your life*, please leave a comment below or contact Jonathan at the Conway Practice in Brighton & Hove.