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Public Speaking and Presentations

Help to Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking with Hypnotherapy

By October 10, 2016April 29th, 2019No Comments

Help to Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking with Hypnotherapy*

confidenceDo you have a dread of speaking in public? A fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias and can affect people in both their professional and personal life. Stage fright is one form of this, where an experienced performer can be overcome with nerves when faced with an audience. However many may not be aware that for some, even giving a presentation on a one-to-one basis can be a stressful experience.

Hypnotherapy at the Conway Practice can help you to overcome your public speaking anxiety by addressing the reasons behind your fear.* You may be able to trace these negative feelings back to your school years when you were afraid you may be ridiculed by your peers or chastised by the tutor for giving a wrong answer in the classroom. These memories can be stored in your sub-conscious, surfacing whenever you find yourself in a situation where others will be listening to what you have to say. You may be so concerned that something will go wrong and you will be judged badly, you do everything possible to avoid making any speeches, including job interviews or delivering a presentation where you feel you will appear incompetent. For anyone who trying to cope with this phobia, even social celebrations can trigger anxiety when they are expected to give a wedding speech or address the guests.

While you are relaxed during hypnosis and your mind is in a receptive state, Jonathan will help you to identify the root source of your anxiety that the conscious mind may have easily forgotten.* These buried thoughts are likely to surface as a ‘flight or fight’ response, with a surge in adrenalyn causing uncomfortable physical reactions including a racing heart beat and shallow breathing. When we speak of words ‘drying up’ this actually relates to a dry mouth as a common nervous reaction before giving a speech or a presentation in front of others.

Hypnotherapy can enable you to make positive changes in managing this stress overload, learning improved communication skills and developing increased confidence.* You will be able to conquer your discomfort of public speaking, release old fears and visualise a positive response to your words and opinions.*

For more information about how hypnotherapy can help you overcome your fear of public speaking please call Jonathan Conway on 01273 540425